Waters Edge Homeowners' Association of Gainesville, L.L.C.

a close, friendly community located on Lake Lanier


Trash/Solid Waste Pickup Changes

  • The City of Gainesville is changing the Solid Waste schedule beginning January 23, 2023.
  • Trash will be collected one day a week city-wide.
  • For Water's Edge, Trash and Recyclables will both be collected on Wednesday.
  • Bins should be placed at the curb by 6:30 AM on Wednesday.
  • Pick-up at the door will only be available to residents submitting a medical waiver.
  • For more information, see www.gainesville.org/243/Solid-Waste.
Recent Meeting Information
  • The Annual Meeting for 2022 was held on Saturday September 2, 9:00 AM by video and audio.
  • The complete meeting report as mailed is available HERE.
  • Additional HOA meeting information may be found in the By-Laws.
  • The invoices for 2023 dues were mailed to all owners of record following the annual meeting. As noted in the invoice, dues should have been paid by September 30, 2022, to receive the on-time discount.
  • Dues for 2023 are $125 and should ideally be paid by check, and mailed to Water's Edge Homeowners' Association, P.O. Box 5722, Gainesville, GA 30504. Please note your lot number on your check.
  • Dues are collected annually from all property owners.
  • Dues are used to maintain the appearance of the entrance, to promote community activities, and to support the actions of the Board.
Useful Neighborhood Information and Links
  • The Useful Neighborhood Information and Links page includes information about
    • Garbage and Trash
    • Recycling - Reminder: Glass is no longer accepted in curbside recycling bins. See Solid-Waste for more information.
    • Road Safety
    • Parking
    • Animal Control
    • Noise
    • Lighting
    • Lake Lanier
    • Our "Neighbors"
    • HOA Comics
  • The Board of the Waters Edge Homeowners' Association is formed and operates according to the By-Laws.
  • Per the By-Laws, the Board meets periodically to oversee general operation of the Homeowners' Association.
  • Board members serving for 2022-2023 are:
    • President: Carl Bedingfield
    • Vice-President: William Godwin
    • Secretary/Treasurer: Jennifer Knight-Boyd
    • Mamber-at-large: Howard Mize

Property owners interested in serving on the HOA Board are encouraged to contact a Board member to discuss taking on a specific role, or becoming a member-at-large.


The Covenants and By-Laws are filed with the Real Estate Division, Clerk of Superior Court, Hall County, Deed Book 8059, Pages 736-805.

Address List: The HOA Board is still considering an opt-in address list for the community. This list would be distributed by e-mail to those opting in. Contact a board member for additional information.

HOA Contact Information

The Homeowners' Association wants to be able to contact you, and we want you to be able to contact us.

So we can contact you....

Please sign up for our private e-mailing list by visiting http://eepurl.com/cYIAsP.

So you can contact us....

Page updated January 16, 2023